Tuesday 12 July 2011

historical places of europe

Oxford, England

This entire town is a historical site in and of itself. Many of the colleges and buildings have been around for centuries. During the day, tour the old colleges and neighborhoods, and at night hit up some of the many authentic pubs.

London’s Historical Walk, England

If you want to see many of London’s historical structures, start at the Tower of London near the Tower Bridge and Great Tower Street (Tower Bridge tube station) and walk along the Thames River. Along the way, you will pass St. Paul’s Cathedral, Trafalgar Square, the Horse Guards, 10 Downing Street (of James Bond fame), Westminster Abbey, the Cabinet War Rooms, the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben to name a few. When you get to the Cabinet War Rooms, you can take a detour down Birdcage Walk to Buckingham Palace.

Les Catacombes, Paris

In 1785, the Parisian government solved the overflowing cemetery problem by removing buried bones of over 6 million people and placing them in underground quarries. Today you can walk 20 meters under the ground and view these remains. Open Tues-Sun from 10pm -5pm. Costs about 7. 1 Place Denfert-Rochereau. M: Denfert-Rochereau.

La Alhambra, Granada, Spain

Most flock to this historic Andalucian city for a glimpse of the magnificent Alhambra. Sitting in the shadow of the stunning Sierra Nevada mountains, this city still has a haunting Moorish flavor and a mystical feeling. The sprawling ruins of La Alhambra give you a glimpse of life inside the Moorish compound centuries ago. This is a must-see.

The Pantheon, Rome

This impeccable structure, symbolizing the glory and culture of ancient Rome is remarkably well preserved. Admission is free. Open Mon-Sat, 9:00am-6:30pm and Sundays until 1pm.

Roman Forum/Pallantine Hill, Rome

The heart of ancient Rome, this site was once the pulse of the entire city. The Forum holds some of the most impressive remains that depict the complexities and grandeur of the Roman Empire – it should not be missed. Admission to the forum is free and to Pallantine Hill about 8. Open daily.

Olympia, Greece

The sprawling ruins here are a UNESCO World Heritage site. They include the Olympic Arena and the Temple of Zeus, which once housed the colossal gold-and-ivory cult statue of Zeus (one of the seven wonders of the ancient world).

The Acropolis, Athens, Greece

Above the Athens skyline, the Acropolis reigns supreme: brightly lit by night, chock-full of awestruck tourists by day, it is but one of the many ancient and modern treasures that this versatile city provides. Don’t miss its museum, slightly hidden behind the Parthenon, home to many of the original statues found within. Behind the Acropolis, the ancient city of Agora is a sprawling bed of ruins that include remains of the earliest courtrooms, Senate buildings and law libraries.

The Old City Walls, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Walk the entire circuit around the old city from the 25m high city walls. They were built and fortified between the 13th and 16th centuries. The protection offered by this structure is astounding. Bring your camera as the different views around each bend all make for excellent photo opportunities.

Auschwitz and Birkenau, Krakow, Poland

The most notorious of all the concentration camps and perhaps the very symbol for genocide in the 20th century, both sites can be seen in a day. Admission is free. A 15-minute documentary film from the liberation is a good start to the visit, after which you can explore the grounds. There is an excellent 3.5 hour tour for 39 PL or, if you go unguided, the pamphlet “Auschwitz Birkenau Guide Book” is recommended. Birkenau is 3km from Auschwitz and is even more devastating in its vastness and incomprehensible capacity for human extermination. Minibuses depart from a fenced in area near the bus station and take two hours. It is suggested that you eat a big breakfast as it will probably be your only meal of the day

Al-Thughb Fort

Is located in the northwestern part of Country and is about 110kms from Doha. The Fort is rectangular in shape with four towers, resembling the common design for desert forts. It was built during the 17th and 19th century period.

Marroub Fort...

Is located on the west coast of Quatar and was built during the Abbasside period on the foundations of an older fort. It carries the inscription of Abbasside architectural style. Located along the northern side of the Fort, about 250 houses are grouped together so as to form an arch.

Historical Places in Singapore

Just like any other country, Singapore also is a great treasure trove of immensely enthralling historical places that reveal its sheer diligence through which it has preserved its utterly distinctive historical heritage. Singapore is peppered with the most enticing monumental displays consisting of churches, temples, old commercial buildings, and mosques that have marked almost every corner of its regional spots since the ancient times. And their profound significance deepens the importance of all the closely surrounding areas that fall into their wide sphere. Be it the beautiful Padang district or the Fort Canning Park that seems to be embedded with unexpected ancient remains, all are go

The Art House-Old Parliment House Image

The Art House-Old Parliment House

Asian Civilization Museum Image

Asian Civilization Museum

Chinese Caligraphy Society of Singapore Image

Chinese Caligraphy Society of Singapore

Singapore Art Museum Image

Singapore Art Museum

Fu Tak Chi Museum Image

Fu Tak Chi Museum

Chijmes Image


Changi Chapel & Museum Image

Changi Chapel & Museum

Battle Box - Fort Canning Image

Battle Box - Fort Canning

Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay Image

Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay

Parliment House Image

Parliment House

Singapore Philatelic Museum Image

Singapore Philatelic Museum
Cavenagh Bridge Image

Cavenagh Bridge
National Museum of Singapore Image

National Museum of Singapore

Dance Ensemble Singapore Image

Dance Ensemble Singapore
Raffels Hotel Museum Image

Raffels Hotel Museum
Fort Siloso Image

Fort Siloso

Spice Trail - Fort Canning Image

Spice Trail - Fort Canning
Supreme Court Image

Supreme Court
od delineators of the history. 

Mohenjo Daro: (Indus Valley City).

                                                                     Mohenjo-Daro was a city located in the south of Modern Pakistan in the Sindh Province, on the right bank of the Indus River. It was built between four and five thousand years ago, and lasted until 3,700 BP. It was part of the Harrapan Civilization, and at its peak, the city had at least 35,000 residents.
This was a sophisticated society with a wide-ranging diet that consisted of meat from both wild and domesticated animals and a variety of cultivated wheat, barley, peas and lentils – a huge step forward in human progression from the nomadic hunter-gatherers.
Mohenjo Daro was one of the largest centres of the Indus Valley Civilisation, experiencing the transition from Stone-age to Bronze-age


granada_spainIt is interesting to note that the city of Granada was the Moors' final stronghold in the empire. There awell-known expression regarding the city: "it is no greater misfortune than to be blind in Granada".
The city is surrounded by the superb gardens of the Generalife, with a big number of fountains and an effective use of water that serves as a source of refreshment during the hot days of summer. A wonderfularchitecture is highly appreciated thanks to the Cathedral ofGranada, which include the tombs of Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile.
The north east of the city is occupied by the Albaicin quarter, this being the oldest region of the city, having narrow cobbled streets and houses built in Moorish style, called carmines. In Granada a populartourist attraction are the Caves of Sacromonte.
Sierra Nevada Range with its Mulhacen Peak (3,481 meters) allowsvisitors to practice winter sports during cold weather and aquatic sports in its beaches during the hot days of summer.


cordovaThis city is also located in Andalusia. In Cordova a number of Moorish relics of the Spanish empire can be found. The most spectacular among the relicts is the Mosque of Spain, which was constructed in the 8thcentury. The mosque was one of the few Arab masterpieces that remained untouched during the Reconquista (Spanish for Reconquest).
The main feature of the Andalusian city is its old "juderia" found to the northwest of the mosque's high walls. Even today Cordova is considered to be a Moorish city with quite narrow streets, which are sometimes too narrow for the cars. The majority of such streets are located in the older quarter of the city's center and west.
The forge workings beautify the streets made fully of stone and the silversmiths till today are creating great masterpieces within their factories.